A happy disposition is protection against heart and blood vessel disease.
Garlic ingredient is 100 times more effective than antibiotics.
Does your child hug the cat close to her face like the child in this picture? Your vet will tell you that animals should not be near our face and we should wash our hands after petting them. There is good reason for this.
Wisdom teeth are probably the most misunderstood teeth in dentistry.People either assume that pain-free is problem-free, therefore their wisdom teeth should be left alone, or that all wisdom teeth should come out. Both opinions are wrong, most of the time.
The more you sleep, the less your genetics can make you put on weight.
Find your motivation to get fit and read case studies of how others, just like you, tried and succeeded!
Strawberries and blueberries help the ageing brain.
You may think running isn’t for you – but with so many health benefits, how could it not be? Here’s how to get a running routine started and where to find the motivation to maintain it.
Taking a bottle of water into an exam may improve your results.
Alternative therapies can often help in relieving pain and although there may be no scientific explanation yet as to why they work so well, the basic fact is that in lots of cases they do work.
Some of the worst environmental offenders among the products we consume are personal care products and cosmetics. Follow these 10 principles for sustaining your beauty routine without it costing the earth.
Chin reconstruction beats breast enhancement and nose jobs as the fastest growing plastic surgery.
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