Your blood pressure and arteries do not have to deteriorate as you age if you choose the right lifestyle.
Neither toilets nor keyboards are the most likely place to pick up germs at the office.
Do you sometimes get sore feet? If your feet hurt then you will stop walking and exercising and that will affect your health.
A sweaty gym-goer rattling their noisy protein shaker before chugging a post-workout shake is a common sight in any gym.
Now, not to diss the protein shake (as it offers a quick, easy, portable dose of all important protein) but what ever happened to the humble egg? Hard-boiled eggs, after all, are quick, easy, portable AND a heck of a lot cheaper than protein powder.
So why eat an egg post-workout, or at any other time for that matter?
We have all heard of the phrase: “getting long in the tooth”. We use it when talking about horses and humans. They say you can tell a horse’s age by looking at their teeth. While we could probably say the same about humans, I hope that as people become more educated about their oral health […]
Drinking water with meals leads to healthier food choices for kids.
Bees make a substance called propolis that can arrest growth of prostate cancer cells.
Research finds five factors to support a positive body image.
Diverticular disease occurs when small pockets or pouches occur in the bowel. These pockets (diverticula) can get inflamed or infected and cause symptoms. When the pouches become inflamed it’s called diverticulitis.
Most of my clients are educated 25-45 year olds, employed in some of our top companies and doing pretty well in life. They have visited most of the world’s countries, often tracking through some less travelled terrains, explored all the wonders of the world, yet, it seems the world’s only remaining mysteries are all in one place: their own mouths!
Looking away will reduce the pain of an injection.
Diets high in fructose reduce memory and the ability to think.
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