
Aromatherapy for winter health

We are well into winter and many of us wishing for Spring. The season has taken its toll on our health sometimes via colds and flu, aches and pains and dry skin. Here are some tips to help you overcome these and carry you through to the new season.

Dental implants

Eating disorders and oral health

In case of dental and oral complications, the effects of eating disorders are often irreversible. In simplest terms, the scars of eating disorders are most visible in a person’s smile. Today, eating disorders affect mostly young people and the incidence is growing. These young people are literally being robbed of their beautiful smiles! This post discusses some common dental signs and symptoms and possible dental treatment to prevent severe damage from active eating disorders.

Homeopathic Remedy Response and Secondary Prescriptions

In difficult, chronic, complicated cases, you require not a remedy, but a ladder (a series of remedies), not one of which of itself can effect a cure, but each of which works cure wards,  their cumulative action eventuating a health restoration. This is how cataract, and many other so called chronic incurable cases have been […]

Whitening toothpaste

Lively discussion on the SMH website today regarding the misleading advertising of the ‘whitening’ toothpastes by the big brands. I thought it would be worth posting my brief comments on this. Toothpastes do not whiten teeth, they ABRADE teeth. This is risky for those who already experience erosion and abrasion from other sources, so be aware! The […]

Bad Breath? May not be as bad as you think…

HALITOSIS: science speak for bad breath. Most of us have experienced it at some time and a few of us may have wondered whether those around us detected the same funky smell we noticed coming from our breath that morning. Well, apparently, people stepping back during conversation or covering their noses is NOT a sign that you suffer from halitosis. Your loved ones telling you: “your breath smells, love”, on the other hand, IS a sure sign you do have halitosis and it is probably time to talk to your dentist about it.

Homeopathy Treats the Whole Person!

This is often misinterpreted to mean everything about the person including ‘Personality’ type, aversions and cravings, weather, time, modalities of the ‘person’ even when well. What we are really looking for are the deviations of these, the striking opposite or the exacerbation of these sub-symptoms when sick. Statements like “Homeopathy treats the person not the […]