Dentistry may have been around for a lot longer than we previously thought.
Monosodium Glutamate, commonly known as MSG, is a slow poison. It is disguised under 25 other names, such as “natural flavouring” and can even be found in some coffees overseas
For the first time a study finds a link between total antioxidant intake and heart risk.
We binge on chocolate because of its opium-like actions in the brain.
A combination of sesame and rice bran oils lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
BABY BOOMERS AND SAFE SEX! Looking for love online has become very popular these days, it once used to be a secret but now nobody minds anymore to admit to it. On-line dating is not only for the young, older Australians are also turning to the internet to find romance as many baby boomers find […]
Eating cherries can reduce your risk of a gout attack.
Women and men see the world differently at a neuronal level.
Red wine is better, in moderation, for your heart than other alcoholic drinks.
Green tea can benefit memory and spatial awareness.
Even “normal†range blood sugar levels can shrink your brain.
Stress at work causes a rise in your chance of heart attack.
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