

Are you sensitive to gluten and wheat?

Many people have a sensitivity reaction to gluten which goes by unnoticed. Intolerance to gluten can cause anything from rashes and headaches to serious diseases associated with the immune system like arthritis, celiac and Crohns disease and create symptoms similar to IBS.


Alcohol and oral health

Booze is an almost everyday part of life in Australia. A ‘cold one’ just seems to ‘sit’ well with the barbecue on a hot summers day and is almost as iconic as our surf, our weather and our relaxed way of life.When it comes to oral health, however, the effects of alcohol are mostly negative. This article highlights some dangers of alcohol overuse and gives some tips for best prevention of oral health problems.


Handling Infertility

Did you know that stress can prevent you from falling pregnant and that a large number of small stresses are far worse than that one big problem? Did you also know you can test for stress by testing the levels of Cortisol in the body?