Take your beauty routine into you own hands with our ultimate guide to caring for your face and body naturally.
Countries that consume the most chocolate win more Nobel Prizes.
Coffee improves brain processing of positive words.
There is a bit of confusion amongst the general public as to what is needed to keep our digestion healthy. We hear a lot about probiotics and prebiotics and digestive supplements but many of my clients are not to sure what they should be taking and why.
Snoring doesn’t just affect the way a person sleeps. Having a disturbed and interrupted night’s rest can have far-reaching effects on energy levels, stress, long-term health and relationships.
Here are some suggestions for your summertime holistic first-aid box for your pets, which may help in mild trauma.
Summer is the perfect time to clean up your skincare routine from the inside.
Through the study of the texture, colour and condition of the skin, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners can determine emotional and physical health.
Eating legumes improves blood sugar levels.
Boot camp is a high-intensity, military-style workout program that combines muscular endurance, strength and aerobic fitness.
Menopausal women with hot flushes can get relief with hypnosis.
Men are staying fitter and sexier way into their old age these days. They are taking more pride in their appearance and the greying hair and bald head is looking sophisticated and distinguished on top of fitter, trimmer bodies.
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