Many of my clients come to me with small cysts in various parts of their body. They can be anywhere but mostly I get clients with cysts in the breasts, kidneys or in the reproductive organs. Anything growing inside our bodies that we feel should not be there is of concern and of course our first reaction may be to get it out of there. Often the removal can be also detrimental to our health. It is important to be educated and empowered enough to make correct assessments of what we want to do without being swayed by fear.
Green Tea can reduce blood sugar surges after big starchy meals.
As we near the end of 2012 our minds start to wander to the new year and what it will bring. It’s a time of year when people start to think about the year they have just had and what changes they’d like to make in the new year.
Heat changes around your nose and eyes reveal when you are telling a lie.
Eating mindfully and with awareness lowers your blood sugar.
Gentle yoga can help you navigate the sometimes challenging last trimester of pregnancy.
Via technology, marketing and government policy, the food chain is changing like never before. Here is an overview of its current state.
Finding an exercise partner who you think is better than you can provide motivation.
A simple compliment can help people perform better.
High fructose corn syrup is a widely used sweetener that is linked to causing diabetes.
Try these yoga poses and take a break from the constant chattering and worrying going on inside your head.
Crowning glory or unruly tangle? For lustrous, healthy locks, it’s simple: eat well and work with what nature has given you.
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