Women tend to work more intensely at interval training than men.
It’s day three of going sugar free in September. If you’ve decided to take up the challenge to see how your body responds, how are you faring? Are you enjoying a break from the sugar high or is your body still figuring out what’s just happened? After a shaky start on Sunday (my niece turned […]
Broccoli can help prevent the damage in joints that leads to osteoarthritis.
Eating some fruits can reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
Immune cells from your bone marrow produce anxiety in your brain.
There’s been a whole lot of talk in recent years about how sugar’s not great for you. It’s such a big field of discussion that we’ve included a special report about sugar and its impact on health in our recent issue, #146. I won’t go into detail on the bitter truth about the sweet stuff. […]
A study has found that your personality predicts how many children you are likely to have.
Singing can significantly reduce problem snoring.
Watermelon juice can help muscle recovery after exercise.
Incense smoke can cause significant lung inflammation.
A certain quality of happiness alters the expression of your genes.
Neuropathic pain can be debilitating but antioxidants might offer some hope as a treatment.
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