

Heart health and doctor talk

Heart problems are of increasing concern around the world and it is important to know what the doctor is telling you when he speaks. Often people feel rushed or embarrassed to ask so here is a list that may help you decipher exactly what your doctor is talking about when he speaks to you.



Think of a toothache and many would empathise with the borrowed saying: “Pain, pain, go away! Please do not come back another day!” Pain motivates us to seek medical care yet non-painful health issues are often treated with less urgency — and sometimes the cause of pain is not easily recognisable. Let’s take diabetes, for example. […]


Mouths made of metal

Increasingly, many patients are asking their dentist if the metals in their mouths are still considered safe. This trend does not seem to be abating, with new evidence suggesting that some metals, such as nickel and mercury, have the potential to stimulate either strong allergic reactions in some people and low-grade systemic inflammation in others. […]