

Live long with kefir

The fermented milk drink kefir gives a great boost to the body’s powerhouse — the gut — and delivers many health benefits as a consequence.


Calcium: the low-down

Quite often the words “milk” and “calcium” become almost interchangeable, especially with regard to children but milk is not necessarily a good source of calcium for the body. In fact many believe that dairy products should not be taken at all once the body is weaned since no other animal takes milk after weaning its young. There are also other instances that dairy products may not be good for you such as if you have sinus problems or the body is forming calcium stones.


Sugary tales from the tooth doctor

Eat your chocolate slowly and allow it to melt in your mouth! Savour the moment and close your eyes … Are you a dark or milk chocolate lover? Does it’s taste take you to the past or drive you towards your next adventure? If you tell me your what your chocolate preference is, I can […]