Bee pollen has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It dates back to the ancient Egyptians and early Chinese who used it to restore energy.
Cleansing and detoxification are quite different — but both useful — steps on the road to a less toxic life.
Coffee might protect your retina against damage and therefore protect your eyesight.
Walking enhances your creativity.
Laughing can improve memory, especially as you age.
Learn how to cultivate life force energy and overall wellbeing through mastering pranayama, the yogic art of breathing.
Analysis compares all of the gadgets promising to build ab muscles to simple sit-ups and crunches.
Your intuitive tendencies may result from testosterone exposure in the womb.
Droplets from your sneeze or cough can travel further than previously thought.
A compound from green tomatoes can help build stronger, bigger muscles.
Green tea can give working memory a boost.
Crack, pop, bend, snap, grind, meld, mesh, breathe, release, goes the sound of my skeleton as it reluctantly welcomes day three of yoga school. A sinkhole of stagnant, rigid energy resides at the base of my spine: the result of an eight-hour, deep yogic sleep. As I wake up, slowly the energy starts to rise, […]
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