Jogging is good but too much, at the wrong speed, may not be so good.
Awe and joy are proven to reduce inflammation in your body.
Twitter activity can predict heart disease.
The skin is not only the body’s largest elimination organ but also one of the most important organs for healthy immune function.
We take a look and the recent studies on heart disease and ageing well.
Certain fragrances make you more likely to purchase more when shopping.
Closing your eyes can help your memory.
A part of me spoke that I had squashed down – she wanted to stop drinking and start healing. Amazingly, I listened.
Regular coffee drinking decreases your chance of developing melanoma.
A glass of beetroot juice daily can lower high blood pressure.
There is no need to be afraid of a detox. Just follow the simple 3 P’s concept: Planning, Preparation and Positivity.
One reader beat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by embracing her true essence.
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