Sweat communicates your emotional state to others.
Washing your organic produce in unfiltered tap water somewhat defeats the purpose of eating organically, as does cleansing your face with an organic cleanser while using tap water.
What do you get when you cross a mushroom with a caterpillar? A highly prized medicinal food.
Apple cider vinegar warrants consideration as a general preventive and healing aid.
Even five days eating lots of fat changes metabolism in your muscles.
Probiotics can help reduce negative feelings.
Two weeks into yoga teacher training, I’d hit a wall. My yogi friends helped me push through my self doubt.
The focus of this blog is to bring awareness to families about the toxins which are now part of our lives in the 21st century.
Advice on how to break the cycle of a sedentary lifestyle..
We take a look at hydrotherapy, the therapeutic use of water to restore and maintain health and enhance internal cleansing.
Typical body language that suggests power may not be so powerful after all.
From the burbling of a brook to an electric-guitar riff, sound surrounds us, having a remarkable impact on our health and wellbeing.
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