Statistics reveal the damage that high heels can do.
There are some common misconceptions out there regarding musculoskeletal injury and how to treat it.
Getting into a good routine leaves you little leeway to enjoy a naughty indulgence every so often without having to feel tired and lethargic for most of the year.
“The Fountain of Life†is one of the legendary descriptions applied to the herb gotu kola by the Chinese centuries ago. This is a wonderful plant, but that description may be stretching it … just a little.
By adopting some simple actions, you can drastically reduce your exposure to some of the most health-disrupting synthetic chemicals.
A Mediterranean style diet plus selected nuts and oils improves the ageing brain.
Let’s take a look at common misconceptions about musculoskeletal issues and what you should really be doing.
For cancer prevention and to reduce risk of recurrence, it’s important to change the environment that surrounds cancer cells.
An Ayurvedic approach offers the ultimate in customised skin care.
There is a flipside to the fluoride story that speaks to the dangers of fluoride excess.
Replacing one sugary drink a day with water dramatically reduces your diabetes risk.
Noise, such as on an airplane, changes the way you taste your food.
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