Beet juice can build endurance and help you workout for longer.
The wrong sort of fat in your food can make you hungry for more fat and sugar.
Want to know if you’re depressed? Ask your phone.
Exercise can improve your brain function as you age.
The problem with gluten is that it’s everywhere. If it’s not in the food we eat, it’s in the vitamins we swallow or the medications we slavishly ingest.
Among future protein sources you can include legumes, quinoa, and algae.
The emotions accompanying victory and defeat change your sense of taste.
What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is pain felt at the bottom of the heel or through the arch of the foot. It is usually felt on the first step out of bed in the morning or when walking again after inactivity. However, plantar fasciitis pain can eventually be felt any time you are […]
Receiving a notification on your phone is enough to distract you from your task.
We look at a case of severe stomach pains, tension headaches and underactive adrenals in the young Mylene.
Shopping centre design can help you make the healthy choice to take the stairs.
Garlic helps treat antibiotic resistant urinary tract infection.
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