Yoga and Pilates are both “whole body” exercises, but you may have a preference for one or the other.
Colonic hydrotherapy helps to cleanse accumulated faeces, balance resident microflora and increase health and wellbeing of the body.
Learn how to use yoga to tend to your thoughts and consciously live an empowering existence.
Swapping sitting for walking an hour a day will prolong your life, according to new studies.
How the gentle flow of Tai Chi can help improve health conditions and physical capacity.
Beet juice not only strengthens muscles, but can help assist people with heart failure.
How your favourite wine is highly influenced by the vine it grows from.
It sounds like a stretch, but Yoga is a safe form of exercise that improves arthritis symptoms.
Caffeine late in the day can cause serious delays in the human body clock.
Find out if cortisone injections will help ease your muscle pain.
Tame your sweet tooth to experience great skin benefits and skin health.
Smell the market?! Smell is perhaps the most powerful of the senses and is a big part of marketing.
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