When challenging winds disturb the waters below you, your yoga practice can help you better ride the waves and chart a calmer route.
Too much or too little protein can make you ill, so what is the balance we need?
Staying fit in middle age reduces your risk of stroke.
If you really want to strengthen muscles, you need explosive weight training.
Calm your lower back with the apanasana, or knees to chest pose, a user-friendly posture that also soothes the digestive system and lengthens out the spine.
Standing desks at work are not only healthy, they boost productivity.
Vocal fry is a common voice pattern but it sends a bad message.
New brain benefits discovered for babies whose mothers eat fruit.
The type of movie you watch changes the air around you.
By-products from pool cleansers can cause genetic mutation.
Acupuncture can relieve hot flushes and night sweats in menopause.
Learn why treating UTIs naturally is gentler on our bodies and more effective in the long term.
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