Yoga and aerobic exercise interventions did not significantly reduce sleep disturbances among midlife women who were experiencing hot flashes.
Every meal triggers an inflammatory response which has a protective effect but not for overweight individuals.
Discover how to stay cool, calm and joyful all season long by living in harmony with nature’s cycles.
Chewing producing immune cells that protect against infections, study shows.
A study shows that avoiding spiritual struggles is linked to poorer mental health.
According to a study, consuming red hot chilli peppers can reduce total mortality by 13 per cent.
One in five young people wake up at night to check social media, according to a new study.
Researchers found that changing BDNF levels during pregnancy can cause depression in pregnant women and low birth weight in babies.
20 minutes of moderate intensity exercise can trigger an anti-inflammatory cellular reaction.
Yoga may be beneficial for chronic lower back pain, study reveals.
New study shows that continued intake of meat cooked at high temperature can influence survival after breast cancer diagnosis.
A new study found that moderate post lunch napping resulted in better cognition in Chinese older adults.
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