Daily intake of cocoa flavanols improves cognitive performance according to a new study.
A scientific perspective on the treatment of mental health, and the alarming results that indicate for every 10 patients treated with anti-depressants only one will respond in a positive manner. What does this mean?
Have you hit that mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump? Learn a simple breathing technique to boost your energy levels.
Just one night of disturbed sleep in middle aged adults can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Why do we get osteoporosis and how can you ensure that you don’t add to the burgeoning osteoporosis statistics?
New study shows physical activity levels have reduced in all age groups more than previously thought.
Blood sugar level’s respond differently in different people depending on the microbes living in their gut.
In this video, learn how to treat nappy rash, abrasions, bruises, burns and sunburn with natural herbs to avoid nasty side-effects. Watch for more.
Immersing yourself in a hot spring or the bathtub at home can do more than simply soothe — it can help you stay healthy.
Nurture yourself through winter’s colder, darker days with warming, nourishing, invigorating practices for body, mind and spirit.
Scientists discover the biological mechanisms which connect emotionally charged emotions to insomnia.
Extra virgin olive oil can reduce the incidence of dementia, new research says.
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