Fish shaped fish oil tablets

Fish oil promotes fat burning

Just in order to deal with the complexity of the world the human mind has a tendency to compress. To cope with the unimaginable intricacy of the Universe we become elated when we are able to compress one tiny corner of it into a “law” that we can encompass with language (mathematical or otherwise). To feel comfortable about the infinite diversity of other people the human mind compresses them into sexes, races, religions, and social classes. The human mind doesn’t like multiple sockets when at any given moment in most instances it only has a single prong, so the multiverse is warped to fit the singularity of human consciousness. This is true as well when it comes to fat, we tend to think of fat as bad and as of one type yet, fat too is multifarious and not always bad. In a new report in fact, if you want to encourage the right fat the answer is another type of fat.

Food with fish oil gained 5-10 per cent less weight and specifically 15-25 per cent less fat compared to those that did not consume the fish oil.

Fat tissue doesn’t always store fat. Some fat cells called “white” fat cells do store fat as an energy reserve. However, “brown” fat cells burn fat in order to maintain a stable body temperature. The brown cells are abundant in babies but decrease as we progress into adulthood. In addition to white and brown fat cells a third type of fat cell has recently been found to exist in both humans and mice; “beige” fat cells. These beige cells are a bit like brown cells in that they decrease with the approach of middle-age but without them fat will accumulate for decades without ever being used.

Previous research has shown that fish oil, itself a type of fat, can help prevent fat accumulation. To test whether fish oil might have an effect on beige cells researchers fed a group of mice fatty food, and other groups fatty food with fish oil added. The results showed that the mice that ate food with fish oil gained 5-10 per cent less weight and specifically 15-25 per cent less fat compared to those that did not consume the fish oil.

In addition the researchers found that white fat cells could be transformed into beige cells when the sympathetic nervous system was activated. It emerged that fish oil stimulates certain receptors in the digestive tract that activate the sympathetic nervous system and hence turn white cells to beige thus encouraging the burning of fat.

If you are wanting to compress all of that, fish oil helps your body to burn fat is oil you need to know.

Terry Robson

Terry Robson

Terry Robson is a writer, broadcaster, television presenter, speaker, author, and journalist. He is Editor-at-Large of WellBeing Magazine. Connect with Terry at

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