Berry Blue Blueberries 70862

Blueberries bust blood pressure

Ahhh, blueberries! By themselves they make a delicious snack. Sitting atop a bowl of ice cream they add a healthy dimension to a delicious indulgence. You can use them to create a home-made dye. If you so desire they can be juggled, tossed, or bowled provided you are not afraid of a little pigment. Add to all of this that they are an excellent source of healthful antioxidants and it would be no surprise if before long we find ourselves voting in a blueberry for Prime Minister. This is even more likely now that blueberries have been shown to lower blood pressure.

This new light that has been thrown on the star among berries comes from researchers from Harvard and East Anglia Universities. The researchers examined data from 181 000 adults over a fourteen year period. All of the people involved were free of high blood pressure at the start of the study.

Every two years the participants completed questionnaires as to their health and eating habits. During the course of the study 35 000 participants developed high blood pressure.

Analysis of the data showed that people who consumed high levels of antioxidant nutrients known as anthocyanins had an eight per cent reduction in their chances of developing high blood pressure when compared to people who consumed low levels of anthocyanins.

The best source of anthocyanins in the diet of the people in the study was tea but the best food source was blueberries followed by orange juice, apples, red wine, and strawberries. Blueberries did stand out though and people who ate a serving of blueberries once a week were ten per cent less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who never ate them.

This is just another in a long line of studies showing the healthy effects of anthocyanin consumption and berries, along with tea, are the best way to get on the outside of some of those healthful antioxidants.

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