
Worrying health problems

Clients with multiple health problems are becoming increasingly common. Gone are the days when period pain, headaches and pimples came as single complaints. Asking after anyone’s wellbeing these days is like opening Pandora’s Box! Brianna, however, outdid everyone I’ve ever seen. It was hard to believe she was still able to stand up.

If you find the following list of signs and symptoms hard to believe, I promise you all the information below is exactly as set out in her health summary. Bear in mind that this lass is well under 30 years of age.

Brianna’s symptoms: pernicious anaemia, constant bloating, constipation, exhaustion, bladder and other cramps, insomnia, no appetite, dry and blotchy, itchy skin, unbearably sore nipples, difficulty breathing, migraines, cold hands and feet, depression, apathy, earache, nocturia, dry, sore eyes and deteriorating vision, chronic back pain, stiff joints, paraesthesia, pimples over the entire body, itchy vaginal infection, menstrual pain, inability to handle stress, craving for sugar and sweet things, strong body odour, dizziness — especially when changing posture, chest cough and chest pains, hearing loss, tinnitus, fibrocystic breasts, nausea, difficulty staying awake, hot flushes, painful intercourse, halitosis, mood swings, flooding periods, lack of mental clarity, calloused heels, major sensitivity to gaseous and volatile emissions, teeth grinding, nosebleeds, bony growths and spurs, broken capillaries, high blood pressure, hoarse voice, slow reflexes, enlarged, flabby tongue, poor short-term memory.

The first major finding was that Brianna’s core temperature was heading towards hypothermia. The second point of interest was that her innate immune response was in an equally parlous state. Additional discrepancies included:

  • Nutritional imbalances involving calcium, magnesium, potassium, germanium, iron, vanadium, zinc, copper, carotenoids and essential fatty acids, orotic acid, pantothenic acid and taurine
  • Extreme sensitivity to potentially mutagenic b-carboline alkaloids (tobacco smoke, well-cooked foods)
  • Extreme sensitivity to environmental aldehydes (acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, formaldehyde)
  • Sensitivity to bacterial hydrogen sulphide, polystyrene, PVC, diesel particulates, mercury derivatives, volatile nitrogenous compounds, benzene, kerosene, glues, heavy metals
  • Sensitivity to all sodium- and potassium-based food additives (processed meats, some cheeses)
  • Sensitivity to environmental xenobiotics, including toluene, styrene, polypropylene, xylenes, acrylonitrile (combustion effluents, polluted air, furniture and furnishings, carpets, particle board, plywood, adhesives, insulation, cosmetics, paints, fabrics, gypsum board, pesticides, dyes, perfumes, food flavourings, plastics, oils, resins, fruit and fish preservative)
  • Sensitivity to major omnipresent air pollutants, especially carbon monoxide (motor vehicles, prescribed and open burning)
  • Major hormone imbalances, especially involving glucocorticoids and androgens
  • Loss of co-factor potential in enzymes involved in the synthesis of collagen, carnitine and norepinephrine
  • Extreme sensitivity to synthetic fragrances (perfumes, shaving creams, aftershave, soaps, cosmetics, skincare products, cleansers, cleaning agents, shampoos, antiperspirants, makeup, polishes and waxes, fabric softeners, laundry products and many more)
  • Sensitivity to xeno-oestrogenic chemicals (synthetic endocrine hormone-disrupting compounds)
  • Marked indications of insulin resistance
  • Inefficient neurotransmitter function (serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, GABA, histamine)
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Free-radical sensitivity (hydroxyl radicals)
  • Diminished bile flow
  • Gluten sensitivity
  • Mycotoxin sensitivity (ergot, trichothecenes, sterigmatocystin, penicillic acid, ochratoxin, patulin, aflatoxins)
  • Splenic tuftsin deficiency
  • Diminished intestinal motility
  • Alimentary toxic aleukia
  • Pancreatic enzyme deficiencies
  • Sensitivity to synthetic food additives (BHT, hydrogenated glucose syrup, oxidised starch, enzyme-treated starches, inosine 5-disodium phosphate (performing antioxidant, humectant, emulsifying and flavour-enhancing functions)
  • Chronic, sub-clinical nephritic syndrome
  • Impaired amino acid storage and utilisation (L-tyrosine — hormone/neurotransmitter precursor and thyroid support)
  • Weakened adrenal response, especially at the level of the zona reticularis and zona fasciculata

Brianna’s multiplicity of metabolic malfunctions was as eye-popping as her Health complaints.

Brianna’s treatment

Needless to say — and a familiar comment to regular readers of this column — Brianna’s nutrient sources were closely scrutinised and guided into a channel emphasising a diversity of raw, living foods. She was also provided with information regarding the seemingly inexhaustible sources of xenobiotics and xeno-oestrogens.

Apart from major changes to eating habits as well as modifications to her home and working environments, Brianna needed a spectrum of supplements to top up depleted tissue reservoirs. These included a comprehensive multi-mineral complex, activated B vitamins, a concentrated sea-vegetable formula, mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, essential fatty acids, phylloquinone, phytonutrients and, of paramount importance, cholecalciferol.

Brianna’s case was an excellent example of total family support. She worked hard at following her remedial program, tucked into most of the right foods and happily took her supplements. Four months later, we received the first report regarding her progress. It was written by her husband and stated:

“I just want to give you an update on Brianna’s progress. Brianna has been feeling so much better following the recommendations, the majority of symptoms experienced are now resolved. Brianna wanted me to pass on a big thankyou and I’d like to say one also as she is now much easier to live with! We have followed the majority of the dietary recommendations and now want to look at the environmental protocols. The remaining issues Brianna currently has are:

  • Bloating — much less than before, but still an issue
  • Limited weight loss despite all the healthy food and exercise. She is trimming up at the gym, but losing very little weight. (On the same diet I have lost 8kg in five weeks, so it seems a bit strange.)

“Thank you so much for all your help.”

At this point, follow-up testing revealed that both the bloating and Brianna’s difficulty losing weight were linked to small but significant trace element deficiencies — micronutrients required to support and maintain synaptic activity along the hypothalamus–pituitary axes.

Accordingly, a combination of rare earths and micro-minerals was prepared, combined with a homœopathic formula to stimulate uptake in the relevant pathways. Essential ingredients in the latter included Medicago sativa, Hydrastis canadensis, Ulmus fulva, Clematis integrifolia, Hottonia palustris, Larix gmelinii, Juniperus sabina, Abies nigra and Calcarea carbonica.

Three months on this regime nudged Brianna nicely in the right direction. Her weight began to improve and her swollen tummy gradually subsided to normal proportions.


Karin Cutter runs a naturopathic clinic in Port Macquarie, New South Wales. T: 02 6582 4435

Karin Cutter

Karin Cutter

Karin Cutter ran a naturopathic clinic in Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia.

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