What to expect (from your teeth and gums) when you’re expecting! Part 1

Congratulations to all your expectant mums out there, reading this pregnancy-related series of posts. Let me just start by answering my own question in the title so you can relax and read on without any risk of bursting your membranes, the answer is: “business as usual”!

Ok, now we chased the boogie man out of the closet, let’s discuss some of the common oral health manifestations of pregnancy.

Pregnancy gingivitis

This is a very common side effect of pregnancy. Your gums, affected by the hormonal changes in your body, much like every other mental and physical part of you in this state, tend to overreact to any irritation, be it mechanical or biological.

It is not uncommon to notice little “growths” and “bubbles” popping up on your gums, usually near the neck of the tooth, where the gums contact the teeth or in between the teeth. Alternatively you may notice that your gums are redder in general, more “puffy” and may bleed whenever you brush and floss.

This is not something that MUST come with pregnancy.

You can prevent these unwanted side effects by:

  • ensuring your teeth and gums are clean,
  • making sure you brush effectively and floss regularly and
  • making your preventative dental care appointments a priority during your pregnancy.

Remember, it is not your pregnancy that is causing these side effects, it is the bacteria or any mechanical irritation of your gums. As soon as these are gone, your gums will heal. Your pregnancy only causes your gums to sound a much earlier (and louder) alarm about them.

For more information, visit www.thedentist.net.au

Tijana Fisher

Tijana Fisher

Tijana Fisher is a dentist, a wife and a mum (not in order of importance, of course)! She loves her life because she has been blessed with great variety and complete absence of the mundane. Every day, she puts on her different hats and slips into her different roles, all thoroughly enjoyable and challenging. She loves writing and sharing her knowledge (and opinion) with others. She also loves hearing other points of view, even if polar opposites to hers. This makes life rich and interesting and even teaches her a thing or two!

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