
Wellbeing for the New Year

Wellbeing is something we all seek. Why not use the energy of the New Year to create a year for yourself that is fulfilled on many levels? Now is the time to use that energy for your wellbeing and to manifest some of your goals and dreams. If you have not had much experience in doing this before then it’s perhaps time you started to learn the technique. I have a few pointers to help you make 2014 the year of your wellbeing!

If you want to be successful in any area of your life you need to know the direction in which you are headed. If you want to take your wellbeing in hand then you need to know which areas are not in sync or healthy. Be honest with yourself. Do you smoke? Drink too much alcohol? Fill up on chocolates? Feel guilty about running up the credit card? Work too hard with not enough time for play? You already know which areas are weaker in your life and are affecting your wellbeing so let’s start by making a list of which areas need attention on a piece of paper. Make a list on a page with three columns next to it.

Now in the column next to the list you have written, begin writing again. What is the benefit of you doing that negative action that affects your wellbeing? For example, you work hard so the benefit may be that you get the sales or the promotions or earn many extra dollars. Now fill in this column and write the benefit of doing this action which disguises itself to make you think it is in the interests of your wellbeing.

In column three, write down what the cost is of the action you are doing. For example, smoking 30 cigarettes a day is damaging your health and wellbeing. You could get lung cancer or emphysema. Your working too hard is damaging your wellbeing and perhaps affecting your relationship or family time.

The next column is for you to name one thing that you can do to enhance your wellbeing for each thing you have written down. For example, if you smoke too much you could agree to cut down by half. If you eat too much chocolate you could limit yourself to three bars a week. It doesn’t have to be a big sacrifice. Just one small thing is all you need.

Now, sign and date the bottom of the page.

Put this somewhere that you can see it clearly so you can be reminded of your agreement and each week tick off the one thing you have said you will do, provided that you do it. When you have ticked everything on the page twice, stick a piece of paper over the last column where you agree to make one small change to enhance your wellbeing and find new things to do to advance your progress. Again just one small thing is needed. Now begin again to do these things and tick each time you do them. When you have ticked everything twice then pick something else, and so on.

By this time next year you will have changed some things in your life and enhanced your wellbeing. It may be that you now play a sport regularly, that you have saved some money, that you work fewer hours, that you have a holiday planned and will take it soon. It could be any number of things.

The important thing is that you have taken the time to take stock of your life, stopped to think what you need for your wellbeing and acted upon it. This will be different for everyone and needs to be in line with your values and goals.

Many people want to enhance their wellbeing but don’t know what they want or in which direction to make the changes. Only you can soul search about this. This is your life and whilst other people can make positive suggestions it is only you who can make the agreements with yourself to be healthy and stay healthy and move forward.

So here’s to a happy, healthy, successful 2014 where you are empowered to enhance your wellbeing in all areas of your life – energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Happy New Year!

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management at 36 Gipps Road, Greystanes, and specialises in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta has just published a book called Stress-Free Health Management, A Natural Solution for Your Health available from your favourite bookstore or online. For more information and to get in touch, visit her website at Stressfree Management.

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