WARNING: Health Practitioner Burn Out is UNAVOIDABLE

I’m getting burnt out!”

That’s the first thing Jane (not her real name) said to me when I asked my audience what their major problem or frustration was in their practice. (I was running my well known one day business skills for health practitiioners workshop)

At first, I couldn’t believe it – I knew this lady, and I knew she had a busy practice, a large list of loyal clients, her diary was booked out, and she had a couple of good practitioners working with her in her own clinic. As a passionate practitioner she seemed to have achieved everything that most practices ever dream of

Except she had fallen prey to a very sneaky trap that 99% of people only ever discover (to their dismay) once they have worked all their lives in practice and become “successful” as a practice owner. That sad reality is this:

The busier you get as a practitioner, the more likely you are to burn out. In other words, for you to achieve a reasonable level of wealth doing what you do now, it will require you to work far harder than you ever really expected, AND harder than is really good for you, your patients, your lifestyle or your family.

Here’s the really big twist to this… none of it is your fault! You see, the current business model that every Health practitioner I have ever met works within will literally set them up for failure from the start. To become “successful”, popular thinking is that you need to have a high volume of clients or patients to treat. But the truth of this (as Jane and others like her have since found out!) that you will become wealthy, successful and happier long term as a practitioner by following a business model that is based on VALUE.

Value vs Volume… the fact is that beyond a certain point in your practice, the two concepts become diametrically opposed, and the smart practitioner knows that choosing value allows them a long term future as a healer and contributor to the health of our community, plus an income and a lifestyle they deserve!

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