The trampoline at the bottom of weight-loss failure

When you are plummeting towards weight-loss or any other kind of failure, it is nice to know there is a trampoline at the bottom….

The trampoline at the bottom of the pit of failure propels you upward with wind in your hair and a smile on your face.

Today, at home sick, the Dark Mistress is grateful to the people who put it there, because imagine if it was a ladder… hard yakka all the way to the top… A trampoline re-introduces the element of FUN in to recovery, and often that’s all that’s required.

So right now I am avoiding the scales because I know they don’t have a pretty weight-loss story to tell, but a week from now, the trampoline will have propelled me across another 50 km of bike ride. In fact, I’ve decided there can actually be no failure against weight-loss, holistic fitness and stress-relief goals – just useful redirecting signposts.

Today being a sick day, the Dark Mistress has achieved something hitherto quite rare – the completion of a book. So we are congratulating WellBeing Co-Editor Terry Robson on his book “Failure Is An Option: How Setbacks Breed Success”.

Have you ever given up on life-change because you thought you’d failed?

Progress Update
Weight-loss Status Update: When failing, avoidance of measurement and accountability is the best policy.
Fitness Status Update: Little to say on this front, but ask me after the bike ride.
Stress Relief Status Update: Some off-screen book reading worked wonders.


The Dark Mistress Of Denial
The Balance Blog – A reflection on virtual life versus embodied life; ostensibly finding sunshine, holistic fitness, natural weight-loss and stress relief for an obsessed workaholic screen addict, with the occasional dig at the World Wide Web.

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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