The only cough relief you need this winter

cough relief

Does the cough and cold season leave you and your family grappling with the challenge of managing coughs? Do those coughs run rampant in your household, bouncing from one family member to another? Is it difficult to find the time to investigate the many different ingredients in cough formulas and how effective they will be? At Prospan, our main priority is to provide support and guidance to parents and families during the cooler months.

One of the obstacles we encounter is the prevalence of myths and misconceptions surrounding coughs, particularly among parents. Many believe in the effectiveness of cough medicines, without fully understanding how they work or their potential side effects. At Prospan, it is our aim to debunk these myths and provide accurate information to empower parents to make informed decisions about managing coughs in their families.

At our core, we have a wealth of clinical evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of our product in alleviating cough symptoms while being gentle on the body. However, we recognise the challenge of communicating this evidence in a way that resonates with parents. Clinical data can often come across as dry or inaccessible, leading to a disconnect between the evidence and its relevance to families.

To address this challenge, we are committed to exploring creative and engaging ways to convey our clinical evidence to parents like simplifying complex scientific information into digestible content.

By breaking down barriers to understanding and providing clear, evidence-based information, we aim to empower parents with the knowledge and confidence to effectively manage coughs in their households. Through education, support and access to proven solutions, we strive to make cough and cold season a little easier for families everywhere. So, let’s begin.

What are the different types of cough?

Coughs manifest in various forms, with the most common being dry, chesty, paroxysmal and croup cough.

How can you tell which cough you or a family member may have?

Identifying the type of cough aids in effective management. Let’s delve a little deeper into the different types of coughs.

Chesty cough

What is a chesty cough?

Also known as a “wet” cough, a chesty cough involves the expulsion of mucus and phlegm. This process prevents mucus from infiltrating the lungs, averting potential infections.

Mucus accumulation, commonly triggered by viral infections like colds or flu, may exhibit yellow or green hues, inducing a heavy, tight sensation in the chest.

Additionally, chesty coughs may stem from more severe conditions like bronchitis or lung irritation due to environmental pollutants.

Symptoms of a chesty cough

Causes of a chesty cough

Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) like the common cold or flu commonly trigger chesty coughs. These infections, accompanied by typical symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat and fever, irritate the airways, prompting mucus drainage and subsequent coughing.

Moreover, chesty coughs may result from serious ailments like chest infections, chronic bronchitis, asthma or allergic reactions, often characterized by wheezing, chest pain and shortness of breath.

How long does a chesty cough last?

Typically commencing on the second or third day of a cold, coughs may persist for approximately 10 to 14 days even after other cold symptoms dissipate.

It’s crucial to discern all symptoms and identify potential causes, as chest infections may entail lengthier recovery periods and necessitate distinct treatment approaches.

How to alleviate a chesty cough

While chesty coughs lack definitive cures, several methods can ameliorate symptoms or hasten recovery. Explore these home remedies to ease discomfort:

Dry cough

What is a dry cough?

Characterised by unproductiveness, dry coughs lack mucus expulsion. Triggers may include airborne particles like pollen or dust, cold or flu viruses or throat infections.

Inflamed upper airways exacerbate dry cough discomfort, manifesting as tickly sensations and persistent coughing, predominantly during daytime hours. Prolonged episodes may induce throat and chest soreness, attributable to air-only expulsion.

Symptoms of a dry cough

Causes of a dry cough

While cold or flu viruses commonly provoke dry coughs, chronic conditions like asthma or allergic reactions may also trigger them. Environmental factors like cold or dry air can exacerbate symptoms.

How long does a dry cough last?

Dry cough durations vary based on causative factors, ranging from several days to weeks. Recovery aligns with viral infection resolution, signalling symptom alleviation.

How to alleviate a dry cough

Though dry coughs often resolve naturally, certain measures can ameliorate irritation and minimize coughing frequency:

Foods to consume

When experiencing a dry cough, incorporating certain plant-based foods and teas into your diet can help alleviate respiratory symptoms.

Foods to avoid

When experiencing a dry cough, people have found these foods make their cough worse.

Understanding the evidence: Prospan for chesty cough 

At WellBeing, we are committed to improving your and your family’s health and wellness. We have partnered with Prospan as we believe in the quality and efficacy of their formula to alleviate chesty coughs. We also know how difficult it is to explore the research behind a product, which is why we’ve done the hard work for you.

Backed by scientific evidence, Prospan cough formulas contain an exclusive extract of ivy leaf called EA 575® which has been shown in numerous clinical trials to provide five-action relief for coughs. First, it helps to thin out mucus in the chest so that it’s easier to “cough up” that irritating congestion. It then soothes those irritated airways and makes breathing easier for both kids and adults. EA 575® also helps to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract so that you feel better faster.

Studies to read

Ivy leaves to treat coughs

For many years, extracts from ivy leaves have been used to treat coughs, especially when there’s thick mucus and as an extra treatment for lung diseases. Ivy leaves are special because we know how some of their active ingredient’s work. One of these ingredients, called α-hederin, works on specific receptors in the lungs, which helps with breathing and reducing mucus. This makes ivy leaf extracts good at relaxing the airways, thinning mucus and helping you cough less, which has been seen in studies with real patients.

Because ivy leaves have been shown to be effective and well tolerated, they’re listed in official guidelines for herbal medicines. One extract called EA 575® has been studied extensively, with over 65,000 patients. Despite having a lot of data already, more research is still being done on EA 575®.

It’s important to note that the clinical evidence is conducted on the extract EA575® and apply specifically to products with this extract. Other ivy leaf extracts might work differently because they have different extraction and processing methods.

Title: A Valuable Option for the Treatment of Respiratory Diseases [1]

Authors: Christopher Lang, Patricia Röttger-Lüer, Christiane Staiger

Ivy leaf liquid for less severe coughs

This study aimed to see if a liquid made from ivy leaves (EA 575®) could help adults with coughs. Using ivy leaves to treat coughs is common in some places, but there haven’t been many recent studies following strict guidelines. This study wanted to use standardised ways of measuring how well the therapy worked.

In the study, they found that people who used the ivy leaf liquid had less severe coughs compared to those who didn’t use it. Few people had side effects, and they were similar in both groups and mainly related to the cough itself. Even older people in the study had similar results to younger adults.

The study showed that even though coughs usually get better on their own, the ivy leaf liquid helped people feel better faster. People who used it reported more satisfaction with how well it worked compared to those who didn’t.

Overall, this study supports using ivy leaf liquid as a well tolerated and effective option for adults with coughs. It confirms findings from previous studies, showing that both adults and children benefit from ivy leaf preparations for coughs.

Title: A randomized, controlled, double-blind, multi-center trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a liquid containing ivy leaves dry extract (EA 575®) vs. placebo in the treatment of adults with acute cough[2]

Authors: A. Schaefer , M.S. Kehr , B.M. Giannetti , M. Bulitta, C. Staiger

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

* Prospan is clinically proven to relieve a chesty cough in 7 days vs 14 days untreated. Schaefer A, et al., Pharmazie 2016;71(9):504-509.

[1] Lang, C et al. Planta Medica. 2015;81(12/13):968-74. Funded by Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG.

[2] Schaefer, A et al. Pharmazie. 2016;71(9):504–509. Funded by Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG.

Learn more and always read the directions before using 

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