Slow down

Slow down and go within

Chances are that you are running faster and faster right now. Your to-do list is a mile long and the more you do, the more there seems to be left to do. The holiday season is coming closer and you are trying to get everything and everyone ready to enjoy this time of year.

I understand and I know what this feels like. Although there is nothing wrong with doing a lot of things I invite you to take a break and slow down. Stop whatever you are doing and take a couple of deep breaths with your belly. Connect with your body. Breathe into any parts of your body that feel tense or in pain.

Now put your hand on your heart and breathe into it. Breathe in. Breathe out. Feel your heart beating and be fully present with this feeling of deep connection.

You are so much more than your to do list.

You are not only here to do things but to be. You are a shining, beautiful light and your presence is needed in this world filled with stress, overwhelm and fear.

Sometimes slowing down will open you up in unexpected ways and you may find yourself filled with sadness, grief or anger.

As you slow down and go within yourself you remember who you are. You remember why you are here. You are here to live a fully present life and to share the special gifts that only you have.

If you are having trouble slowing down or if you feel disconnected from your body and heart, I’d love to share some of my favourite ways to stop and connect.

  • Go outside. Nature is such a powerful healer and when you step outside and dig your feet into the sand or lean into your favourite tree you can feel that connection to life.
  • Listen to relaxing music. Sounds are filled with vibrations and these vibrations help your mind, body and soul to relax and soften. Put on your favourite music, lie down and let go of any pressure or stress that you’re carrying
  • Listen to a guided meditation. Go on an inner journey by following a soothing voice that takes you inside your soul for a moment. There are lots of guided meditations online so pick one that really resonates with you.
  • Connect with the energy of the moment. Take a break now and go outside to reflect on the year that was and start dreaming up the new year. Release any past stories or patterns that you are willing to let go of and create new ones. Create your own ritual or use some of these ways to create sacred space.

Whatever you choose to do to slow down and go inward, make sure you do it in a way that honours your needs. There are no rules for what this should look or feel like. You are allowed to create your own ways and only do them if they actually make you feel good.

Sometimes slowing down will open you up in unexpected ways and you may find yourself filled with sadness, grief or anger. This is OK and I encourage you to sit with whatever feelings come up for you. All feeling are good ones. Sometimes they just need to come up to be released. If you are asking for something new in your life, know that in order to make space for it you may need to release what is filling up this space.

When you allow your feelings to be released, they will set you free and make space for your new visions.

So take the time you need to be who you are and exactly where you are in your life right now. There is no right or wrong way to be. Only you know what is right for you.

You are always supported. You are always loved.

I wish you an amazing new year!

With deep love and gratitude,

Karina Signature



Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet is a soulful and creative mum, intuitive reader, coach, writer and teacher who helps women to trust and develop their own intuition. She offers intuitive readings and coaching, and teaches people how to communicate with their spirit guides both online and in Europe and Australia. Karina is also passionate about spreading messages of love and soulful living and she's a regular writer for Wild Sister magazine and also writes for a number of websites that focus on intuition, wellness, parenting, soulful living and spirituality. Her mission is to support people who long for a more inspired and meaningful life and this is something she also embodies in her own life. After years spent working in the corporate world as a communications manager and living in many different countries, Karina is now happy living her dream life. She is a mum to two young children and the wife to an amazing French husband and she spends her time enjoying a simple life in a village in the south of France.

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