The mountain-loving herb arnica is a terrific counter-irritant, and it also has antimicrobial and immune-stimulating effects.
Your guide to understanding sciatic pain.
Setting the record straight on osteopathy and debunking some common misconceptions.
The villain in the new Bond film “Spectre” makes a basic anatomical mistake.
May you see past the gaudy plastic of Christmas this year and enjoy extra time (and treats) with your tribe.
Inflammation is linked to depression as well as stress and other diseases.
Welcoming the new year with a detox is a wonderful idea. Discover the benefits and a regular detox retreat.
Lavender has a multitude of impressive benefits to soothe and nurture both body and mind. We share this beautiful healing herb.
Where you feel your sense of self reflects how you interact with the world.
Researchers have examined what makes jokes work in making us laugh.
Raw cheese products vary in quality according to preparation and transport.
Christmas can be a time of celebration and stress. Here are four strategies for staying healthy through the holidays.
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