Babies introduced to solid food earlier than six months sleep longer and wake less frequently.
Low frequency vibrations when driving a car can cause you to feel drowsy and contribute to driver fatigue.
People exposed to organic solvents and with a genetic risk are more likely to develop multiple sclerosis.
Two aromatic polyphenolic compounds found in green tea and red wine can treat certain inborn congenital metabolic diseases.
Left-handed people experience emotions in the opposite side of the brain as compared to right-handers.
Daily fasting is an effective weight loss method which improves metabolic health.
Whispering can trigger a response which causes the brain to tingle, with subsequent benefits for both mental and physical health.
Why do we eat if it’s not for sustenance to fuel our bodies? For something to do? Because we’re happy, sad, tired or afraid? Turns out it can be all of the above. We take an in-depth look at emotional eating.
Excessive drinking in adolescents interferes with the activity of brain cells needed for sustaining short term memory.
Researchers discover a drug that may reverse memory deficits and spatial learning impairments in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
When online articles and health resources are too difficult to read, they can be easily misunderstood, limiting their effectiveness.
5 psychological strategies that will give your immune system a lift. Plus, discover our 5 favourite meditation apps.
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