Studies show a relationship between vitamin D and blood sugar control, suggesting vitamin D increases insulin sensitivity and improves beta-cell function.
Is inflammation at the root of your illnesses? Discover natural ways to treat inflammation in your body and why it’s important to start now.
The mineral chromium is renowned for its role in sugar metabolism, but it also reduces inflammation, enhances immunity and supports sports performance.
Dr Karen Bridgman shares a case of Crohn’s, a condition that belongs to a group of autoimmune inflammatory bowel diseases. Take a look.
What is kefir? Dr Karen Bridgman explores kefir, a centuries-old fermented milk drink. Find out its many beneficial effects on your health.
Alexx Stuart offers 10 quick things you can do to increase your toxin-reducing, eco-conscious, wholefood-loving mojo.
WellBeing columnist Michael Elstein takes us through the ins and outs of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
You might identify with tea as a social beverage, but its lineage goes far beyond your local cafe’s brew. The Chinese concept of Cha Dao, which is steeped in history, rituals and healing, explores what really goes into your steaming infusion.
Some women suffer with endometriosis without actually knowing it. Often the pain and symptoms are mistaken as part of premenstrual syndrome, more commonly known as PMS. Symptoms can be varied and treatment either mainstream medically or naturally needs to be under the care of a trained professional.
How you hold yourself is not just an elusive term. The power of posture can shape how you breathe and expend energy as well as affect the functioning of your organs and enhance your overall wellbeing.
Dealing with dementia can be tricky business, but there are ways to support those affected by the disease. Draw from a toolbox of love, compassion, kindness and a little bit of creativity.
Ancient Egypt houses more than just Cleopatra’s bathing secrets, with much of today’s modern medicine inspired by its rich history.
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