Arthritis is a common inflammatory condition affecting around 3.6 million Australians that is one of the leading causes of pain and disability in the community. Here, we look at natural and gentle ways to prevent and heal this widespread condition.
Seafood is a wonderful source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Discover the health benefits of seafood as well as some delicious recipes to help incorporate more fish into your life.
“If you wanna get good gut health, you’ve gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, digestion never ends…” If you’re wondering what the digestive system and the spice girls have in common, you’re in for a wild ride.
Who knew a virus could close pubs, restaurants and shops, isolate hundreds of millions and cripple the economy? Taking thousands of lives, the COVID-19 challenge is changing the world in ways that call for calm, caution and camaraderie.
You rely on the sun to give you light, warmth and life itself; yet too much can send you down the path of disease. So how can you protect your skin while still reaping all the benefits of sunshine?
Turmeric root (Curcuma longa) is an ancient spice originally from India, a flowering plant related to ginger. It has been used as both a culinary spice and as a medicine for millennia.
Diversity is not only important for your gut microbiome, it’s also important that we embrace a diverse society and diverse workplaces. Diversity equals resilience and we can always learn from those different to ourselves.
Do you feel like an imposter at work, or perhaps in your studies? If you feel like you are a fraud and don’t belong, even though you are actually quite capable, then you might suffer from “imposter syndrome” and you are not alone.
Did you know that not every natural medicine practitioner is accredited? This means you could be paying for a practitioner that doesn’t maintain professional and ongoing training or adhere to an association’s code of conduct.
If we have a need to show our best selves to the universe, could this drive be linked to the age-old quest for immortality and actually be doing us more good than harm?
Krill oil is loaded with healing nutrients, and has a spectacular portfolio of vitamins and antioxidants. Here’s what it can do for you.
Are tummy troubles affecting your day-to-day life? More than half of the country suffers from some form of stomach discomfort. Microba’s accredited dietician Bianca Maree Harrington shares some simple and affordable ways you can take care of your gut that don’t burn a hole in your pocket!
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