
Does stress impact your gut health?

Does stress impact your gut health?

2020 has started with a lot of uncertainty for many, as we globally battle a pandemic. These uncertain times can lead to stress and stress can impact your overall health. But how could your gut play a role? I sat down with Leanne Mitchell, Accredited Practising Dietitian and Microba Microbiome Coach, to discuss … Deep […]

Healing tea

The healing power of a humble cup of tea

For thousands of years tea has been revered for its positive effects on the body. Drunk in ancient times not only for refreshment but for medicinal reasons, the health benefits of a steaming hot brew of freshly steeped tea leaves have long been touted by many different cultures.

Sustainable diet

The Sustainable Diet

With our world expanding by 82 million new individuals a year, we need to switch to a more equitable, healthier and sustainable diet for the planet and human health.