Quercetin — a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine — may well be responsible for an apple a day keeping the doctor away.
Who knew that one little flower could reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, support immune function and promote healing all at the same time? Read why Calendula, or marigold, is gaining so much praise in the world of herbal medicine!
Packed with nutrients, delicious, low in calories and currently under investigation for their medicinal properties — there are countless reasons to include mushrooms as one of your daily vegetable serves.
As a healthfood, seaweed is hard to beat. It’s high in protein, minerals and antioxidants, has a low GI, is environmentally sustainable and is grown without the use of pesticides and fertilisers.
Agave is a Mexican family of plants that has given rise to tequila and now a sweetener that is both sweeter and healthier than sugar.
Here are a few simple natural therapies to help you detox and protect the precious organ that is your liver!
Detox diets have no doubt taken over the health industry. But do you really need to detox? And if so, what’s the best way? Naturopath Sally Mathrick answers the most frequently asked questions in this Detox 101!
Today, it is estimated that over 2.6 million Australians, or 15 per cent of the population, have some form of arthritis. It’s important to understand this crippling condition and know that there are natural therapies and remedies that can help.
A new study has confirmed that drinking water can help with weight loss.
Do you lie awake at night thinking about your day, wishing that you could fall asleep and wondering how long it will take? Give these natural therapies a try and stop counting sheep for good!
Spring has finally arrived, unfortunately bringing along prime conditions for sneeze attacks and hayfever. Here are some terrific natural therapies to help ease the sneeze this Spring!
Sitting in a sauna for a little “thermal therapy†is believed to help break down fats and detox the body.
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