
Is Internet Addiction the enemy of weight-loss?

Last month an International Conference of Psychologists is considering the declaration of Internet Addiction as a mental illness. In my view this is a long shot – I mean second-life maybe. The internet though IS the cause of many sedentary hours – there is nothing like the www to give you the sense of doing […]

Screen Junkies Set Yourself a Big

I love the AA expression “trying is dying”… re-applied to weight-loss, it means, you’ve realized what you need to do but you’re lost without a start somewhere in between knowing and doing. This is why the Dark Mistress launched in and rode her bike 50Km last weekend… This is about natural weight-loss after all – […]


How to prevent breast cancer

The most progressive approach in the fight against breast cancer is to concentrate on its prevention. Two of the most potent allies women have for preventing breast cancer are seleno-methionine and vitamin E.