
Healthy Eating for Seniors

No matter how old you are healthy eating and exercise is imperative. It’s a matter of finding out what works for you and sticking to it. I stopped running when I started karate. Over Christmas I met a senior in her 60’s who has been running for over twenty years. I was inspired.

What is a Naturopathic Doctor

There are two types of Naturopathic Doctors – there are Doctors that  use natural remedies as part of their treatment plan and there are Naturopaths that specialise in the use of medical pathology such as blood tests to assist in the creation of a treatment plan.  A Naturopath that uses this form of diagnosis is […]

Natural hayfever remedies

It starts with a sneeze or two that increases to 5, then 10, then more. A runny or stuffy nose then kicks in followed by watering eyes. It’s the classic symptoms of hayfever. Hayfever is so widespread that the Australian Bureau of Statistics National Health Survey reported hayfever as the most common health condition suffered by young people aged 15 to 24.