Relaxation detoxification is essential for the body as only following a rested and well nourished can we clear stored toxins.
Did you know Lysine blocks Arginine, the amino acid required for replication of the Herpes Simplex virus? Therefore the diet to follow to keep this killer-of-love virus at bay is to eat a diet high in Lysine and low in Arginine
Only today 8 months down my treatment path have I discovered just how potent Amygdalin (B17 , nitriloside) can be in the excess.
Autumn is an especially important time for us to nurture and support our bodies from the transition of seasons from Summer to Winter. The right food choices can help us to do that.
Did you know that more and more people are becoming incontinent yearly and there are ways it can be avoided?
The lungs are often overlooked during a detox but along with the liver, kidneys and skin, they function as a major elimination route for toxins
Did you know that what you do during the day will affect your sleep pattern? In turn your lack of sleep will affect your day and for most people with sleep problems this forms a vicious cycle.
Your first and most important step toward a happy and fulfilling sex life is eating the right foods to make it all possible. Read on for some great tips and super-yummy recipes.
I will start by saying that the quest to conquer cancer naturally is far from an easy task. Not only is the challenge to fend off the skeptics, or stop myself becoming one, but to wade through the many choices of therapy available.
Did you know that if you don’t drink enough water it can affect your blood pressure in the long term and this can be the forerunner of many other illnesses?
How worried should we be about the radiation leaks from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactors and are there ways to protect ourselves and our health?
Did you know that migraine is a physical illness and there can be a variety of causes making it hard to treat?
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