Studies in the last 30 years show that high levels of the amino acid homocysteine can lead to a higher risk of heart disease.
If you wish to feel calm what you choose not to eat is as important as what you choose to eat.
We all know too well the experiences of being ‘hormoanal’! Each month us ladies go on our emotional rollercoaster and partners, families and colleagues are most likely testament to this ride.
Computers, wide-screen televisions, fun in the sun and high pollution levels all tire out your eyes and make it imperative that you find natural ways to rejuvenate them. One study found that eye symptoms were significantly reduced if you look down at your computer screen at an angle of 14 degrees or more
Food cravings are very common but finding out what drives your cravings can help you control them.
When you go to the doctor’s do you know what questions to ask about the prescription drugs you take so you can use them safely and get them to work best?
Marketing your health practice is a pretty simple concept when you think about it in these terms!
Relief from muscle soreness with homemade soothers.
It has been found that a chemical in plastics and soap can affect insulin resistance and weight in men.
Whether you need an energy boost or support for a stressed immune system, one of the five ginsengs will have you covered.
Vitamin E is responsible for a wide range of functions in the body. Learn about the benefits of supplementing Tocopherols today.
Aiming to reduce the acid forming foods and keeping well hydrated and maintaining some form of stress relief will encourage healing.
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