
chakras healing energy vibration yoga spirit mind love beauty

What are the 7 chakras?

Think of your body like a car. You can’t run on just one wheel, everything needs to be functioning in harmony, otherwise you’ll be thrown off balance. The chakra system is just like this. Chakra literally translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit and this is exactly what they are – wheels that steer us through life. If one of the wheels are our out balance it affects the functioning of the whole body. Thankfully, this disharmony and dis-ease can be resolved by opening the chakras and restoring balance.

Some TMJ Anatomy… TMJ pain series

In this series of blogs we will cover some common muscle and jaw-related problems which can mimic toothaches or even cause ongoing discomfort that cannot be attributed to any physical or hormonal anomaly.

Dear Dentist

In this series of blogs we will cover some common muscle and jaw-related problems which can mimic toothaches or even cause ongoing discomfort that cannot be attributed to any physical or hormonal anomaly.

What to expect (from your teeth and gums) when you’re expecting! Part 1

n this series of articles of pregnancy related oral health, we explain what conditions are most likely to occur during pregnancy and how to avoid them or at least minimize their effect on your teeth and gums.Make your health, including your oral health, your priority during your pregnancy. Oral disease is transmissible so you owe it to yourself and to your family to stay healthy, fit and happy! Find out about common dental side-effects of pregnancy and how to protect yourself from complications.

Activated Nuts

Activated nuts are more nutritious nuts because they have been soaked and then dehydrated. This process allows any enzyme inhibitors to be released, preventing digestive problems and making them the perfect snack in between meals.