Do you sometimes wake up at night with an acidic stomach?
An allergy is an exaggerated response of the immune system or a reaction by your body to something that is usually not harmful.
So you’ve been to the doctor and the recommendation is IVF. No doubt you will have many thoughts rushing through your mind. Taking hormones, needles in the stomach, nasal spray to create a temporary state of menopause. It is all pretty scary stuff.
n this series of articles of pregnancy related oral health, we explain what conditions are most likely to occur during pregnancy and how to avoid them or at least minimize their effect on your teeth and gums.Make your health, including your oral health, your priority during your pregnancy. Oral disease is transmissible so you owe it to yourself and to your family to stay healthy, fit and happy! Find out about common dental side-effects of pregnancy and how to protect yourself from complications.
Activated nuts are more nutritious nuts because they have been soaked and then dehydrated. This process allows any enzyme inhibitors to be released, preventing digestive problems and making them the perfect snack in between meals.
When did you last get a health check-up? How is your hearing?
Four healthy habits can add fifteen years to your life.
Breathing. Sounds pretty simple, a no brainer. But did you know that a lot of people don’t breathe correctly? To test your breathing take a look at a child around 2 and see how they are breathing. You’ll notice that their stomach expands as they breath in and that the movement goes from the stomach up to the lungs. Now look at how you breathe. Does your breath go down to your stomach or does it finish at your chest?
If our blood is impure as it courses through our body it affects every organ.
Just like we trust nutritionists and personal trainers to help us stay fit, we trust Hygienists to do the same with our mouths. I like to call Hygienists “dental fitness coaches”. They really are your personal trainers when it comes to having a healthy mouth and we are very proud to have one on our team!
There are hundreds of studies done worldwide on the side effects of drugs, natural products and the causes of cancer.
What I am about to share with you is quite profound and goes back to one of my first blogs on emotions the missing link. I am now more convinced than ever!
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