Ulcers, arthritis, headaches and heart disease have all been linked to unnatural dental procedures. Your teeth are as much a part of your body as any other organ or limb and they need holistic care.
As a business coach, my goal for my clients is to build passive or continuity income equal to or exceeding monthly outgoings (including owner’s salary). This situation alleviates the constant nagging worry of “will there be enough money this week” and puts the business owner into a different money mindset.
Still not convinced dental tourism is not good for you? Only two more reasons to go, but in this article we re-think the proposition that it is ‘cheaper’ to get dentistry done overseas.
A tincture of the fresh herb Ledum Palustre is used to make Ledum.
Osteoporosis is a disease that thins the bones and can lead to fractures.
Reason 3 of 5 strong reasons why you should NOT contemplate medical or dental tourism!
Glyconutritionals are imperative to good health and good immunity. They are natural – not synthetic.
A tincture is prepared from the powdered seeds, which contain a crystallisable principle Picrotoxine, a powerful poison.
The homeopathic form is curative for the affections from loss of sleep, and seasickness.
It’s time for FebFast! FebFast is a charity initiative that raises money for drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres and requires abstinence from alcohol for the month of February.
Herbs have a wide array of actions that can help you in all aspects of your detoxification process
Antioxidants and heart disease, the oxidation solution and the truth about free radicals.
A 10 year old boy is brought to me by his mother with chronic nose bleeds. I ask some pertinent questions…Does he pick his nose? Is he being bullied at school?
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