Vitamin E protects the membrane of your body’s cells and has anti-ageing effects.
Do we really need to eat so much food? Who says? For most of us, eating is about the relentless search for satisfaction – nutrition happens to be a convenient side-effect. Desire for food is more fundamental than desire for sex. We engage with food three or more times a day, by adulthood most of […]
True to her name the dark mistress of denial has started fasting this week. Yes – taking a genuine break from food. No food for a full 7 days. The program is supervised of course, and with a few herbs to help along the way… but what a great teacher is fasting. For a start […]
Our kidneys are located at the back of the abdominal cavity pretty much just above the back of your waist. They are important in homeostasis which has got to do with the balance and regulation of how the body works. They also play a part in regulating the acid and electrolyte balances, the fluids in the body and the regulation of blood pressure.
How do we use the colour preference in Homeopathy? We treat it like any other general symptom or modality and integrate it in the
In an attempt to find sunshine, holistic fitness, natural weight-loss and stress relief the Dark Mistress found herself waking up in Thailand today. Leaving the iPhone was hard, leaving the laptop impossible, the only hope for this hopelessly addicted screenager, is that the Bamboo Huts of Ko Samui don’t have broadband… Why Thailand…? An irony […]
Did you know that most women that walk through my door have some problem with hormones?
Food cravings are very common but finding out what drives your cravings can help you control them.
Although rutin is perhaps a lesser-known nutrient, its abilities are significant and it can be used to prevent and treat a range of health conditions.
I wonder what effect the removal of ‘cost anxiety’ has on the people’s interest in the consent and planning process. Do people simply surrender themselves to the power of the cheapest veneers on the planet, or do they still take the time to understand what is proposed? And how much time? If their holiday is […]
Although you can’t change your genetic predisposition or age-related factors that can lead to heart disease, you can take steps to control the other factors that can contribute.
Tapping Touch is a holistic care technique that uses gentle touch and rhythm to relieve tension and to create a sense of wellbeing. Its beauty is that it can be performed anywhere and is suitable for everyone — even the dog
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