Marine products contain a vast storehouse of ingredients that can bring health and wellbeing to the body and mind.
A Client came in with her 4 year old son who presented with a tick on his thyroid gland that was red, swollen and sligthly warm to touch. Naturally the mother was concerned about the swollen gland obstructing his breathing pathway and so enlisted the help of her homeopath. There were no apparent systemic findings; he had […]
Tiny nanoparticles in food have big implications for your health.
There is a real “brain fog†that can affect women during menopause.
If you don’t know what to make of the recent media reports linking dental xray exposure to meningioma tumours in the US population, read this communication document from the Australian Dental Association, recently circulated to all of us, dentists. It is business as usual for the Australian dental profession, as long as high ethical and quality standards are observed. Keep calm and carry on:)
What do you do when you’re allergic to everything – even fruit? Read how a visit to a naturopath helped one woman back on the path to wellness.
Your nose impacts how much you eat and might help you lose weight.
Keeping your hands cool can help you exercise for longer.
Trans fats have been linked to high levels of irritability and aggression.
Curcumin from the spice turmeric can help prevent Parkinson’s Disease.
Acid reflux is quite common these days and it often begins due to our bad habits which are not good for our health. Heartburn is only one symptom of acid reflux but both are possible to control.
Popcorn could be a healthy snack option depending on how it is prepared.
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