Lively discussion on the SMH website today regarding the misleading advertising of the ‘whitening’ toothpastes by the big brands. I thought it would be worth posting my brief comments on this. Toothpastes do not whiten teeth, they ABRADE teeth. This is risky for those who already experience erosion and abrasion from other sources, so be aware! The […]
HALITOSIS: science speak for bad breath. Most of us have experienced it at some time and a few of us may have wondered whether those around us detected the same funky smell we noticed coming from our breath that morning. Well, apparently, people stepping back during conversation or covering their noses is NOT a sign that you suffer from halitosis. Your loved ones telling you: “your breath smells, love”, on the other hand, IS a sure sign you do have halitosis and it is probably time to talk to your dentist about it.
This is often misinterpreted to mean everything about the person including ‘Personality’ type, aversions and cravings, weather, time, modalities of the ‘person’ even when well. What we are really looking for are the deviations of these, the striking opposite or the exacerbation of these sub-symptoms when sick. Statements like “Homeopathy treats the person not the […]
There is a reason why women need reading glasses sooner than men and it’s not their eyes.
Reiki is the movement of energy in the body which precipitates the body’s natural healing processes.
Colonics is the cleaning of the large intestine by using water through a tube inserted into the bottom. Although it may not sound too good it can be an important process in keeping you healthy
Your attitude to ageing determines your chances of developing dementia.
The key to homeopathic potency selection boils down to finding the susceptibility of our patient. What factors determine the susceptibility? Susceptibility depends on the following factors: Nature of the Constitution – Age; children or older, Physical Constitution and Psychological temperament. Is the patient sensitive, quick to act and react? or are they sluggish, dull, and […]
Coffee drinking lowers your risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.
Did you know that if it shows up in a blood test that you are anaemic it can cause you serious health problems? A deficiency in iron is just the start of it.
Omega-3 fats from fish oil can help prevent heart failure.
Junk food is more appealing when you are sleep deprived.
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