Charcot Marie Tooth is a progressive inherited neurological disorder that destroys the nerves in the feet, hands, legs and arms. To diagnose Charcot Marie Tooth several avenues can be tested, these include: Clinical examination, nerve testing, muscle biopsies, electromyography (examines muscle response to stimuli) or spinal fluid testing. If Charcot Marie Tooth is not diagnosed correctly then you could spend years living in unnecessary pain. Charcot Marie Tooth affects 1 in 2500 people and has been found by the ANZAC research institute to be caused by over 40 different genes. Current research is continuing into identifying these genes to possibly counteract Charcot Marie Tooth through gene therapy.
Eating fish regularly can add years to your life.
Fish oil has been shown to boost immunity by supporting B-cells in your immune system.
An organic diet promotes longevity and fertility in fruit flies.
Drinking Greek style coffee can be good for your heart and lead to a longer life.
Some fats make you feel fuller, and make you eat less, than other fats.
A urine test could be used to calculate how long you will live.
Excessive salt consumption is causing millions of deaths worldwide each year.
Did you know that there is a link between constipation and bowel cancer? If your bowel is not moving that means you do not have enough fibre in your diet, you have a high build up of toxins and the possibility of cancer after some years of this happening does exist. However because everyone is different there can be no hard and fast rule about how often you should go to the toilet but bad habits begin when we are young.
Reishi mushrooms have an ancient reputation as being an elixir of immortality and modern medicine is beginning to understand why.
Olive oil may reduce Alzheimer’s risk due to one particular ingredient.
Avoiding workplace burnout protects your heart and your mind.
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