Labour pains

Labour pains and natural birth

Labour pains cause anxiety during pregnancy and even the thought of the pains, long before baby is due, can put mothers on edge. Of course, when it comes to the day there are various medications and epidurals available, but not without possible side effects. Some women are not happy with using drugs to manage labour pain and for this reason such methods as acupuncture and hypnosis are often popular.

During pregnancy, acupuncture can be used to assist the mother to learn to be calmer and relax as well as strengthen her body for the delivery. There are also acupressure points that can be used to assist with labour pains when in the delivery room. Similarly, with hypnosis, I have had many people come to me to learn relaxation and breathing techniques, meditation and experience hypnosis so they can experience easier deliveries once labour pains begin. Many women, especially when having their first child, are scared and don’t know what to expect. Having the backup of techniques which are more in their control, as well as the backup of the medical profession, can be very reassuring. Women who prefer natural childbirth need these tools to be able to have happy, safe deliveries for themselves and their babies.

Scientific studies and labour pains
Dr Caroline Smith from the University of Western Sydney, with a team of researchers some years ago (2006), researched acupuncture, massage, relaxation, aromatherapy and hypnosis over a period of time and found a number of trials that were conducted using a very stringent criteria. You can read Dr Smith’s research here.

During pregnancy, acupuncture can be used to assist the mother to learn to be calmer and relax as well as strengthen her body for the delivery.

Although the study was small, there have been many since then which you can find on the internet, and ever increasing numbers of women attest to the desire to experience natural childbirth. In this particular study, it was found that women using acupuncture were more relaxed and in labour used less pain relief than women in the trial control group who had no acupuncture. The women using acupuncture had shorter labour and stronger contractions when the time came. In an acupressure trial, it was also found that women were more relaxed by using the acupressure points, deep breathing and relaxations. Similarly with hypnosis these women needed less pain relief and had easier deliveries. They also required fewer drugs to make the contractions stronger. Some of the techniques used were recordings of hypnotic induction, auto suggestion and even psychotherapy.

There were also a series of small trials done with aromatherapy using, for example, ginger; but this did not have the same effects on reducing labour pains. The use of massage, however, did have the effect of less pain and anxiety on those who did receive massage as opposed to those women who did not.

The conclusion of this composite study was that hypnosis and acupuncture could assist in having a more normal delivery and may be a useful treatment for labour pains. Search the internet if you are giving birth soon and see what you can find. The good thing about being so proactive is that it makes us more aware of the many options available when giving birth and experiencing those labour pains.

It is important to be comfortable with your choice when you deliver your baby and not use a method that has been thrust upon you simply because someone else thinks it’s a good idea. Giving birth is a very personal process for both the woman and her partner and is an experience you both will never forget. It is not only the women giving birth who are nervous in this process. Remember the role your partner has; watching you in labour pains is difficult for them also, even though they are not going through it.

Delivery and labour pains

For many couples, delivery needs to be ‘right’ on many levels. So it’s not only about getting the bag ready for the hospital and doing your pre-hospital preparation. It’s not just about getting the spare room done up nice and all the nappies and toys in line. It’s about the personal interaction between you and your partner as to how you want to bring this new life into the world. It’s a very creative and spiritual process and the experiences you have as parents during the birthing process can and will affect baby. So let’s make it as pain free and pleasant as possible, and bring your child into the beautiful, loving atmosphere he/she so richly deserves.

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management at 36 Gipps Road, Greystanes, and specialises in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta has just published a book called Stress-Free Health Management, A Natural Solution for Your Health available from your favourite bookstore or online. For more information and to get in touch, visit her website at Stressfree Management.

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