How do measure the impact of pub nacho night on your weight-loss regime?

It might seem reductive but the Dark Mistress is a measurement kind of gal. There is satisfaction in the plotting of progress…

The physical stuff like weight-loss is SO EASY to measure. To lose 10Kg and 6cms off the waistline you have to DO STUFF… ok I get that. But sustainability is another matter…

Here’s a “like” for the Internet – for all the services that will measure your fitness or weight-loss calorie reduction progress. There are many, they are good. But do I really want to log in to another portal at the end of the day after FaceBook, LinkedIn, and FourSquare? Bring on

Another thing the World Wide Web is good at – post event race times. So, 2 or 3 days after the big triathlon last weekend all entrants were served some very sophisticated statistics. So although the slowest of my friends in the swim, it was comforting to know I was still on age-average, and my friends are just freaks. Ahh data – without you we’d have nothing to aim for.

Back to sustainability. The World Wide Web is helping me plot fitness and weight loss, but I’m looking for something that plots sustainable outcomes… I guess that means managing the weight-loss so I don’t sit around dreaming of when I next get to throw down another plate of nachos at the pub. How do you measure that? I could easily avoid the energy-depleted tiredness of dieting if I reduced my life to hanging out on the couch with the cats and watching Start Trek DVD’s, but that’s not really “being”. And how do you measure stress (or stress relief) anyway…? I want to exercise sustainably too. For me that means avoiding boredom by learning different things, avoiding exhaustion and avoiding injury, as there’s nothing more likely to keep me on the couch. Shall I plot an injury chart…? We are going to have to add a new goal today… if the Dark Mistress is going to give up regular visits to perez online, the new regime is just going to have to be FUN, and well, that might just mean a visit to a spa to get started….

Progress Update
Weight-loss Status Update: 0.3 Kg heavier this morning – was it the wine?
Fitness Status Update: Hung 24 pairs of socks out on the clothes line – have to start training for those chin-ups somehow.
Stress Relief Status Update: Send me your alternatives to red wine….


The Dark Mistress
The Balance Blog – A reflection on virtual life versus embodied life; ostensibly finding sunshine, holistic fitness, natural weight-loss and stress relief for an obsessed workaholic screen addict, with the occasional dig at the World Wide Web.

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The WellBeing Team

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