Homeopathy’s First Aid Remedies

Homeopathic First Aid Remedies are for Acute Cases. Intense acute conditions need to be monitored frequently, with a review every 15 minutes to half hour. There should be a big turn around within 5 doses; if there is no change at all, it’s the wrong remedy. For mild acute conditions we don’t need to monitor as frequently.

Here is a list of remedies with abbreviations:

Note: Potencies are given at the 30c – Aconite Napellis (Acon 30), Arsenicum Album (Ars 30), Apis Mellifica (Apis 30), Arnica (Arn 30), Belladonna (Bell 30), Bryonia Alba (Bry 30), Chamomilla (Cham 30), Cantharis (Canth 30), Euphrasia (Euph 30), Gelsemium (Gels 30), Hepar Sulphuricum (Hep S 30), Hypericum Perforatum (Hyper 30), Ledum (Led 30), Mercury (Merc 30), Nux Vomica (Nux V 30), Pulsatilla (Puls 30), Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus t 30), Ruta Graviolens (Ruta 30), Staphysagria (Staph 30), Symphytum (Symph 12)

Some notes on Hypericum: Common Name: St. Johns Wort – Hypericum is an injury remedy, especially for injuries to the nerves and spine. It is the Arnica of the nerves. The hallmark of Hypericum is the sharp and shooting quality of the pains. This remedy may help to prevent tetanus.

Hypericum is made from the plant Deciduous, the perennial herb, found in Europe, North America and other countries, and grows in open woods and hedge banks. The affinity of the plant is essentially with  the nervous system. It acts on the nerve sheaths and the nerve endings giving rise to stitching and tearing pains and crawling sensations….

First Aid Kits are available from most Homeopathic Clinics and are a wonderful resource to keep in the home. Please ask your Homeopath for advise on how to use them safely and effectively. Some clinics will also offer a First Aid Kit user guide which is useful to keep on hand with your kit.

Store your remedies in a coolish place (not fridge), away from sun, smelly items and electricity.


The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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