Homeopathic Remedy Response and Secondary Prescriptions

In difficult, chronic, complicated cases, you require not a remedy, but a ladder (a series of remedies), not one of which of itself can effect a cure, but each of which works cure wards,  their cumulative action eventuating a health restoration. This is how cataract, and many other so called chronic incurable cases have been treated and restored to health.

It is not possible to restore health with just one remedy in some cases, and covering the totality is a useless and fruitless task, here is where organ remedies are very useful.

The uncomfortable or dangerous organ states can be relieved with simple organ remedies  as promptly as possible, and then we are to consider the remote, deeper ongoing symptoms with its simillimum.

The organ remedy is adequate by itself only when the illness is in and of the organ originally. A localised organ disease calls for a localised organ remedy.

It must be noted though, that clear organ remedies restore only tone and circulation locally but do not affect the diasthesis or the organism as a whole. A generalised diasthesis disease needs the generalised homeopathic simillimum in some potency sufficiently removed from its materiality. i.e. High Potencies

In graver diseases the only remedies which have a range of action equal to the disease process are the Zoic remedies. These have some relationship with the disease process itself. They show a great promise in the future of scientific progressive homeopathy.

The zoic remedies have the advantage in that they hit the diathetic quality as well as the product. But here only higher dilutions at longer intervals are good, and of course only under the supervision of your qualified, registered Homeopath!

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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