So what does this have to do with Herpes? Nothing except I believe everyone in a relationship will at one stage want to be the spoon or the ice-cream but alas some will not be able to act accordingly because of herpes. So what can be done about it?
Did you know Lysine blocks Arginine, the amino acid required for replication of the Herpes Simplex virus? Therefore the diet to follow to keep this killer-of-love virus at bay is to eat a diet high in Lysine and low in Arginine.
For Healthy Eating to keep Herpes away, please find below the foods which are best to avoid. These are the foods high in Arginine and the foods to eat plenty of have high levels of Lysine.
Food sources high in Lysine
- Fish
- Shellfish
- Turkey
- Chicken
- Bean Sprouts
- Beans
- Fruit
- Vegetables
Foods to avoid that are high in Arginine
- Gelatine
- Wheat germ
- Rye, corn, oats, barley, soybeans
- Almonds Peanuts, walnuts and cashews.
- Carob
- Chocolate
You also need to stay clear of all citrus fruits with the exception of grapefruit and lemon. This is because of the alkaline acid effect these fruits have on your body. If you are prone to virus attacks its best to consume foods which keep your body alkaline. Grapefruit and lemon do this.
Easter is a time when great amounts of chocolate are consumed. I love chocolate but for some this love of this sweet is not a good thing. So if you suffer from herpes please make sure you stick to a high Lysine and low Arginine diet ensuring you always have the choice to be either the spoon or the ice-cream.